Survival Skills: How to Open a Bottle Without a Bottle Opener

Survival Skills: How to Open a Bottle Without a Bottle Opener

Survival Skills: How to Open a Bottle Without a Bottle Opener

It’s the stuff of nightmares.

It’s a warm day, you’ve cold some ice-cold beers.

You were just about to kick back and relax in the sun and crack one, and then BAM… not a bottle opener in sight.

Does life get any more frustrating?

Fear not, your day isn’t ruined just yet (and, no, you aren’t going have to drive out and buy one)!

Here’s a list of everyday items you can grab to unleash the magical liquid trapped inside your bottle.

How to Open a Bottle with a Lighter

Usually, someone in the vicinity will have a lighter handy.

Place the bottom of the lighter underneath the bottle cap and grab the neck of the bottle so that your index finger is pressing it tight against the top.

Use your other hand to push the opposite end of the lighter down and the cap should pop off.

How to Open a Bottle with a Key

Grip the top of the bottle tightly with one hand and slide the long side of the key underneath.

Twist the key clockwise and the cap should come off.

You may need to do this a couple of times to loosen it.

How to Open a Bottle with a Spoon

Depending on the spoon, you can use a similar technique as the lighter or, alternatively, if it’s relatively thin like a teaspoon you can lift the lid off by placing the tip of the spoon underneath the cap and lifting away to allow the air to get in.

How to Open a Bottle with a Belt Buckle

Remove the belt first!

Then, if the buckle is the right size and shape, you can place the cap on one edge and prise it off with the other by lifting.

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How to Open a Bottle with the Edge of a Table

Place the edge of the cap at a slight angle to the table and then whack it off with the palm of your hand.

Ensure it won’t damage the surface, though!

How to Open a Bottle with Scissors

Open up the scissors and place each blade either side of the cap then lift until it releases.

How to Open a Bottle with Another Beer

Place the beer you’re looking to open on a hard surface hold with one hand.

Twist the other beer upside down and align the ridge of the cap underneath the ridge of the other cap and lift.

How to Open a Bottle with A4 Paper

Fold the A4 paper repeatedly until you have a thick sturdy wedge and then apply the same techniques as with the lighter.

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