RANKED: The UK’s TOP TEN Hangover Cures


RANKED: The UK’s TOP TEN Hangover Cures

10. Water with Lemon Juice


  • Lemon – alkaline – helps restore pH balance
  • Refreshing
  • Sippable


  • Too tart
  • Turns tepid if you leave it too long
  • Just a bit boring really

Assessment: Meh, it might do something, just have it with another more interesting cure.
Verdict: Pffft.

9. Sweat it Out


  • Healthy
  • Sense of achievement
  • Potentially feel better


  • Can make you more dehydrated
  • Run so slowly it makes you feel bad about yourself
  • Generally a lot of effort

Assessment: Seems like a good idea in theory, but in reality, it requires a lot of getting up and doing stuff.
Verdict: Maybe next time.

8. Coffee (& Sunglasses – Optional)


  • Coffee solves a lot of tiredness issues
  • Coffee solves a lot of issues
  • Sunglasses look on point


  • Sunglasses in the office on an overcast day arouses suspicion
  • Coffee makes you feel a lot worse
  • Waste of a good coffee

Assessment: Could go either way – like gambling on a fourteen in blackjack.
Verdict: Risk outweighs reward.

7. Fizzy Drink


  • Gives you a lot of energy
  • Tasty and refreshing
  • Bubbles


  • Same mixer as night before – instant sickness
  • Energy burst lasts all of three seconds
  • Too bubbly

Assessment: Temporary euphoria makes you think you could go rollerblading with kittens or running through meadows, quickly ends up with falling asleep on the couch in front of Netflix.
Verdict: Nothing more than a little lift.

6. Honey on Toast


  • Contains fructose which helps break down alcohol (mic drop)
  • Delicious
  • Easy


  • Might not like honey
  • Not a Full English
  • Risks a visit from the Honey Monster

Assessment: Scientifically beneficial, but won’t satisfy your hangover food cravings.
Verdict: Like having a microwave curry when you wanted a takeaway.

5. Banana Pancakes


  • Like a cuddle for your stomach
  • Relatively quick
  • Bananas =  Good… Pancakes = Good… Both Together = Winner*

*This concept doesn’t work for: Curry = Good… Marmite = Good… Both Together = ?


  • Get that annoying Jack Johnson song stuck in your head
  • Bit like baby food
  • Don’t fancy standing up by a hot hob

Assessment: Surprisingly effective.
Verdict: Not worth Jack Johnson.

4. Long Shower (& Cry – Optional)


  • Zero effort (literally just stand there and let water hit you)
  • Warm and pleasant
  • Have a little singsong and hop out feeling chipper


  • End up sat down sobbing for three hours and turn into a shrivelled prune
  • Can’t get the temperature right which causes unnecessary stress
  • Could make you feel worse

Assessment: You think a shower is the answer to all your hangover problems.
Verdict: A shower is rarely the answer to all your hangover problems.

3. Hair of the Dog


  • Can make you feel better
  • Everyone loves a Bloody Mary
  • Round Two!


  • The taste/smell/thought of alcohol makes you want to vomit instantly
  • Could make you feel way worse
  • People think you have a problem

Assessment: Everyone knows someone who swears by it. Bit dicey, though.
Verdict: The option is there, but we’d encourage you to shop about.

2. Sleep it Off


  • Minimal effort
  • Probably tired anyway
  • Warm and cosy


  • Can’t sleep
  • Could wake up feeling way worse – back to square one
  • Run the risk of waking up with horrendous dry mouth and no water

Assessment: A tried and tested cure – allows your body to regenerate.

Verdict: A corker, but you can kiss goodbye to an entire day of your weekend.

1. Full-English


  • Tastes good
  • Potentially feel better
  • Bacon


  • Can’t stomach it
  • Have to make it (unless you venture out, which is effort, or live with mum)
  • Potential waste of bacon

Assessment: Delicious, filling, quite often makes you feel right as rain.
Verdict: Still the champion hangover cure!